
Phoenix House
Phoenix House is a small, solar-powered, mass…

Haven Studio
Haven Studio is a small, solar-powered, net-zero…

Flexible Formwork Explorations
Experimenting with flexible formwork for concrete…
Reptilian Pavilion
The Reptilian Pavilion provides a shade refuge…

Pollinator Pavilion
The Pollinator Pavilion acts as a gateway to a…

Dottie is the Lawrence Public Library's…

Urban Station Revitalization
Dotte Agency is working with Urban Works LLC over…

Indiana Street House
The historic Pinckney Neighborhood is a…

Polaris Pavilion
Polaris Pavilion is a universally-accessible…

New Year Pavilion
The New Year Pavilion and Sound Dragon are a…

Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research Center (ICRC) Facade Installation
The newly established Interdisciplinary Ceramic…

Monarch Village
Monarch Village on the property of the Lawrence…

Wilcox Classical Museum
The re-envisioning of the Wilcox Classical Museum…

Passerine Pavilion
Passerine Pavilion is a universally-accessible…

722 Ash Street
The 722 Ash Street residence consists of a 1500…

Epic Art Shop
Dotte Agency collaborated with Downtown…

The Houses on Oak Hill Avenue
The Houses on Oak Hill respond to the long-term…

Dotte Mobile Grocer
Recognizing the need for fresh, affordable food…
Kaw Pavilion and Trail Markers
The Kaw Pavilion is named for the Kansas River –…

Nunemaker Classrooms
Nunemaker Center, home of the KU Honors program…

Emergence Pavilion and Garden Entryway
The Emergence Pavilion and Garden Entryway is…

1220 East 12th Street House
This project is unique for its neighborhood…

Marvin Hall, the home of the University of Kansas…
Weaver Courtyard Enhancements and ADA Accessible Entrance
A hidden sculpture courtyard built in the early…

Torbeck Community Center
Maison de Naissance is a birthing center near the…

Chalmers Cafe
Along historic Jayhawk Boulevard on the…

1330 Brook Street House
This house is an example of Studio 804’s ongoing…

Sensory Pavilion
The Sensory Garden, nestled into the topography…

Splitlog Farm Community Garden Shed
Neighborhood demographics in Kansas City, Kansas…
Craft in the Digital Era - Louis Sullivan and Digital Fabrication
As we rely on new tools in the production of…

1200 Pennsylvania House
There has been a trend toward empty nesters…

1301 New York Street House
This house is in a historic neighborhood a short…

Mud Hut Rebirth
The Mud Hut Rebirth project builds upon the…

Jersey Creek Fitness Stations
Jersey Creek Park is an underutilized and under…

Epic Arts Park Stage
Epic Arts Park is a community-based initiative of…

KU Mobile Collaboratory
The KU Mobile Collaboratory (moCOLAB) is a…

The Forum at Marvin Hall
The Forum was conceived in 2004 by John Gaunt,…

Armitage Pavilion
The Armitage Education Center Pavilion is the…

Field Station Gateway
Dirt Works Studio was invited by the University…

Ecohawks Research Facility
EcoHawks is a student research program run by the…

Roth Trailhead
The University of Kansas Field Station invited…

Galileo’s Pavilion
Johnson County Community College (JCCC) in…

Center for Design Research
The Center for Design Research (CDR) is an…

Prescott Passive House
Prescott Passive House was the sixth residence…

Kaw Valley Overlook
Situated on the edge of the Rockefeller Prairie…

3716 Springfield Street House
This project is another addition to the…

Rockefeller Prairie Trailhead
Situated on the edge of the Rockefeller Prairie…

5.4.7. Arts Center
The class of 2008 was a pivotal one in the…

The Porch Outdoor Classroom
The Outdoor Classroom was…
The Outdoor Classroom was…

Mod 4
The fourth Modular Home by Studio 804,…

The Porch Mobile Stage
The Mobile Stage was designed and constructed in…

The Porch Notice Boards
The Notice Board project was conceived in…

The Porch Tool Shed
The toolshed is a pre-fabricated, panelized…

Mod 3
Mod 3, constructed during the spring semester of…

West Junior High School Courtyard
The Courtyard was renovated in the Spring of 2005…

Mod 2
Prefabrication challenges the designer and…

Mod 1
The spring semester of 2004 marked a turning…

Atherton Court
Atherton Court, continued to incorporate…
Ryan Gray Playground Lighting
In the Fall of 2002, three Lawrence neighborhood…

Random Road House
The fourth house in the city of Lawrence, and the…

216 Alabama Street
216 Alabama Street, Studio 804’s first house for…

1144 Pennsylvania Street
1144 Pennsylvania, Studio 804’s second house, was…

933 Pennsylvania Street House
This project was Studio 804’s first house for the…

Building Technology Yard
This protective cover was designed and built by…

The McCrea Studio
The McCrea Studio was Studio 804’s first attempt…

The Barber School
The Barber School House was Studio 804’s first…