Reptilian Pavilion
Location: Topeka, Kansas
Course: Arch 509 Designbuild Studio
Instructor: Keith Van de Riet
Students: Geraughty Badger, Kendall Belcher, Ethan Eben-Herrera, Jonathan Guzman, Jahnavi Kalani, Celine Khashram, Molly Knake, Hannah Kouri, Alyssa Mckee, Jonathan Moebius, Walter Rundgren, Salomi Saiyed, Ethan Seiler, Jordan Vonderbrink, Robert Zoschke, Lauren Black, Matt Gallentine, Julia Gillman, Jeffrey Mcbee, Eliott Freeman, Ryan Nguyen, Maggie Roux, Ethan Witt, Santiago Patino, Leo Aguilar-Behsman, Justin Fontaine, Jodi Gore, Jack Leff, Jared Lombardi, Ethan Overland, Zach Poelzl, Sarah Preston
Partner/Client: Kansas Children’s Discovery Center
Structural Engineer: McClure Engineering
Sponsors: Capitol Federal, KBS Constructors Inc, AZZ Galvanizing, Lawrence Traffic and Transportation, Douglas County Public Works, Richlite
Vendors: Foley Rental, Boyd Metals, Kansas Sand and Concrete, Midway Wholesale, Fastenal, Master’s Media Blasting
Media: “Topeka Children’s Discovery Center,” American Galvanizers Association; “Kansas Children’s Discovery Center’s reptilian pavilion is reminiscent of Capitol Federal’s original downtown building,” The Topeka Capital-Journal; “Discovery Center unveils new roof for Reptilian Pavilion,” Kansas Children’s Discovery Center