
As part of our responsibilities to the University of Kansas, we disseminate work in popular media, exhibitions, and through scholarly venues, to share ideas and lessons learned through the work. 


Dan Rockhill. Studio 804: Expanding the Pedagogy of Architectural Education (Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers, 2019).

Chad Kraus, ed., Designbuild Education (New York: Routledge, 2017).

Chapters and Articles

Keith Van de Riet. "CNC Milling as Foundation for Life." In Proceedings of the 110th Annual Meeting of theAssociation of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) (in press).

Shannon Criss and Nils Gore, "Taking “Engagement” Seriously: Mobilizing Community for Better Parks and Public Health,” (book chapter) in  All-Inclusive Engagement in Architecture edited by Farhana Ferdous and Bryan Bell, (Philadelphia: Routledge, 2021). 

Chad Kraus, "Designing for Failure in the Designbuild Studio," 106th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, The Ethical Imperative (New York: ACSA Press, 2018): 477-482.

Nils Gore, "Where do Ideas Come From?: a Hands-on Strategy for Designing and Building Architecture" (book chapter) in Temple, S., ed. Developing Creative Thinking in Beginning Design (New York: Routledge, 2018)

Nils Gore, "Re-conceiving Professionalism in the 21st Century" (book chapter) in The Routledge Companion of Architecture and Social Engagement, edited by Farhan Karim and Farhana Ferdous. (New York: Routledge, 2018): 117-125.

Chad Kraus, “Introduction: Hands On, Minds On: Motivations of the Designbuild Educator,” in Designbuild Education, edited by Chad Kraus (New York: Routledge, 2017): 1-16.

Keith Van De Riet. "Craft in the Digital Era: Louis Sullivan, Digital Technology, and Designbuild Education." in Oz Journal Volume 39, edited by Aaron Bolli and Eric Janes (New Prairie Press, 2017): 42-47.

Shannon Criss and Nils Gore, "Embracing Uncertainty: Community Designbuild," in Designbuild Education, edited by Chad Kraus (New York: Routledge, 2017): 48-61.

Chad Kraus, “Architecture into Presence,” in Designbuild Education, edited by Chad Kraus (New York: Routledge, 2017): 91-107.

Dan Rockhill and Chad Kraus, “Work Ethic, Ethical Work: A Conversation with Designbuild Pioneer Dan Rockhill,” in Designbuild Education, edited by Chad Kraus (New York: Routledge, 2017): 214-229.

Shannon Criss and Nils Gore, "Mobilizing for Better Health through Prototyping Park Infrastructure,” in Proceedings for Building for Health and Well-Being Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii: ACSA, 2016.

Chad Kraus and Nils Gore, "Educating for an Embodied Culture of Building," 104th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Shaping New Knowledges (New York: ACSA Press, 2016): 168-176.

Chad Kraus, Chloe Hosid, and Abigail Davis, "Iron-Stabilized Ferrimagnetic Rammed Earth," Earth USA 2015 Proceedings (Santa Fe: Adobe in Action, 2016): 244-249.

Nils Gore, "Live Projects at Mid-Century: a Pre-history,” (book chapter) in Architecture Live Projects: Pedagogy Into Practice, edited by Harriet Harriss and Lynette Widder, (New York: Routledge, 2014)

Sannon Criss and Nils Gore, "Architecture as Acupuncture, in Public: A Journal of Imagining America. Vol. 2 #2 (2014)

Robert Corser and Nils Gore, "Insurgent Architecture: An Alternative Approach to Design-Build," Journal of Architectural Education 62, no. 4: 32-39 (2009).

Robert Corser and Nils Gore, "Rebuilding for the Seventh Ward’s Cultural Life,” in Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research (HUD ) Vol. 10, Number 3: 159-165.

Robert Corser and Nils Gore, "Insurgent Architecture in the Seventh Ward,” in Batture: Amnesiascope. Louisiana State University. Vol. 4: 4-11 (2008)

Robert Corser and Nils Gore, "Long Distance Design-Build: Learning from the Challenges of Helping to Rebuild a Sustainable Community in New Orleans’ 7th Ward,” in Proceedings from the 96th Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (2008).

Nils Gore, "A Pedagogical Strategy for Designing and Building Architecture,” in Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on the Beginning Design Student. (2006).


Exhibitions and Reviews

Lisa Abendroth, et al., Design for the Common Good, an exhibition at the Center for Visual Arts, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January 14, 2022 – March 19, 2022. Featuring the Passerine Pavilion

Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Exhibit, “Dotte Agency: Other Ways of Being an Architect,” 2020. Invited. 

Reed Kroloff and Doug Harmon. Rebuilding the Big Easy. Cooper-Hewitt National Design Journal. Vol.4, #1: 2-7. Article featuring, among others, the work of KU students in New Orleans’s Seventh Ward. (2007).

A. Fontenot.  Reinventing New Orleans Domus #905:95-99. Article featuring, among others, the work of KU students in New Orleans’s Seventh Ward. (2007).

GROUNDWORK Exhibit, The Designery, Boston, MA. Exhibit featuring the work of CITYbuild in New Orleans. Projects include the work of KU students in the Seventh Ward (2007). 

Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, New York. Exhibit, “Design for the Other 90%,” featuring Seventh Ward Community Garden project (2007). Juried.