Epic Arts Park Stage
Epic Arts Park is a community-based initiative of Community Housing of Wyandotte County (CHWC) on private land situated next to Epic Accessible Arts at 611 N. 6th Street. It was born out of recognition that there was a need for exterior space to support activities at Epic Arts and for community events. Supported by a grant from the Francis Family Foundation, CHWC approached professor Nils Gore at KU’s School of Architecture Design and Planning for student assistance in designing and building a community stage for public events as a first step in developing programming for the park. Starting with a public charrette in February and working with Steve Curtis of CHWC throughout the semester, the stage’s final configuration consists of a 12x16 flat deck, a wheelchair accessible ramp, and a set of “sonic steps” with steel chimes that make sound as one ascends. The stage was framed in rectangular steel tubing to facilitate pre-fabrication in Lawrence and is decked with pressure treated wood decking. It was installed in the spring of 2015.
Community Housing of Wyandotte County
Jonathan Crookham, Melanie D’Souza, Emily Davidson, Hayden Donaldson, Luke Feng, Caitlin Fitzgerald, Katie Goddard, Gianne Gonzales, Connor Janzen, Angie Knoshaug, Michelle Newcome, Charlie Rotter, Erik Stockler, Nick Walls, Patrick Witthaus
Community Housing of Wyandotte County
Jonathan Crookham, Melanie D’Souza, Emily Davidson, Hayden Donaldson, Luke Feng, Caitlin Fitzgerald, Katie Goddard, Gianne Gonzales, Connor Janzen, Angie Knoshaug, Michelle Newcome, Charlie Rotter, Erik Stockler, Nick Walls, Patrick Witthaus